Salmon Recipes and Other Fish EntreesThe American Heart Association recommends at least two servings of fish per week to help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

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Fish Chowder - 3

Friday, January 28, 2011

Fish Chowder - 3


Five pounds of any kind of fish, (the light salt-water fish is the best), half a pound of pork, two large
onions, one
quart of sliced potatoes, one quart of water, one pint of milk, two table-spoonfuls of flour, six crackers,
salt, pepper.
Skin the fish, and cut all the flesh from the bones. Put the bones onto cook in the quart of water, and
simmer gently
ten minutes. Fry the pork; then add the onions, cut into slices. Cover, and cook five minutes; then add
the flour, and
cook eight minutes longer, stirring often. Strain on this the water in which the fish bones were cooked
and boil gently
for five minutes; then strain all on the potatoes and fish. Season with salt and pepper, and simmer
fifteen minutes.
Add the milk and the crackers, which were first soaked for three minutes, in the milk. Let it boil up
once, and serve.
The milk maybe omitted, and a pint of tomatoes used, if you like.


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