Salmon Recipes and Other Fish EntreesThe American Heart Association recommends at least two servings of fish per week to help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

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Dropped Fish Balls

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dropped Fish Balls


One pint bowlful of raw fish, two heaping bowlfuls of pared potatoes, (let the potatoes be under
medium size), two
eggs, butter, the size of an egg, and a little pepper. Pick the fish very fine, and measure it lightly in the
bowl. Put the
potatoes into the boiler, and the fish on top of them; then cover with boiling water, and boil half an
hour. Drain off
all the water, and mash fish and potatoes together until fine and light. Then add the butter and pepper,
and the egg,
well beaten. Have a deep kettle of boiling fat. Dip a table-spoon in it, and then take up a spoonful of the
having care to get it into as good shape as possible. Drop into the boiling fat, and cook until brown,
which should be
in two minutes. Be careful not to crowd
the balls, and, also, that the fat is hot enough. The spoon should be dipped in the fat every time you
take a spoonful of
the mixture. These balls are delicious.


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