Salmon Recipes and Other Fish EntreesThe American Heart Association recommends at least two servings of fish per week to help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

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Drawn-Butter Sauce

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Drawn-Butter Sauce


1/4 c. butter
2 Tb. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1-1/2 c. hot water
2 hard-cooked eggs


Melt the butter into a bowl, then add the flour, salt, and pepper.
Pour mixture into a saucepan of hot water, and cook until the mixture thickens.
Slice the eggs into 1/4-inch slices and add these to the sauce just before removing from the stove.

Mushroom Sauce

Mushroom Sauce


2 Tb. butter
1 slice of carrot
1 slice of onion
Sprig of parsley
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
2 Tb. flour
1 c. meat stock
1/2 c. mushrooms
2 tsp. lemon juice
Put the butter in a frying pan with the carrot, onion, parsley, salt, and pepper, and cook together until brown. Remove
the onion, carrot, and parsley. Stir in the flour, brown it slightly, and then add the meat stock. Cook together until
thickened. Just before removing from the fire, add the mushrooms, chopped into fine pieces, and the lemon juice.
Allow it to heat thoroughly and then serve.

Tomato Sauce

Tomato Sauce


2 c. tomato puree
1 small onion, sliced
1 bay leaf
6 cloves
2 Tb. butter

2 Tb. flour
1 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
Strain stewed tomato to make the puree. Put this over the fire in a saucepan with the sliced onion, the bay leaf, and
the cloves. Cook slowly for about 10 minutes. Strain to remove the onion, bay leaf, and cloves. Melt the butter, add
the flour, salt, and pepper, and into this
pour the hot tomato. Cook until it thickens and serve.

Egg Sauce

Egg Sauce


2 Tb. butter
2 Tb. flour
3/4 c. milk
/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
2 Tb. vinegar
1 egg
1 Tb. chopped parsley
Melt the butter, add the flour, and stir until well blended. Add the milk, salt, and pepper, and cook until the mixture
thickens. To this add the vinegar, the egg chopped fine, and the chopped parsley. Heat thoroughly and serve.

Horseradish Sauce

Horseradish Sauce


1/2 c. cream
1/4 c. boiled salad dressing
2 Tb. grated horseradish
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. paprika
1/4 tsp. mustard
Whip the cream until stiff; then add the salad dressing, horseradish, salt, paprika, and mustard. When well blended,
the sauce is ready to serve.

Nut Sauce

Nut Sauce


1 Tb. butter
2 Tb. flour
2 Tb. peanut butter
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1 c. meat stock
Melt the butter and add the flour and peanut butter. When they are well mixed, allow them to brown slightly. Add the
salt and pepper to this mixture and pour into it the meat stock. Bring to the boiling point and serve.

Spanish Sauce

Spanish Sauce


2 Tb. butter
1 slice of onion
2 Tb. flour
1 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1 c. milk
1/4 c. tomato puree
1/4 c. chopped pimiento

Brown the butter with the onion, add the flour, salt, and pepper, and stir until well blended. Add the milk and allow
the mixture to cook until it thickens. To this add the tomato and pimiento. Heat thoroughly and serve.

Lemon Cream Sauce

Lemon Cream Sauce


2 Tb. butter
2 Tb. flour
1 c. thin cream
Salt and pepper
Juice of 1 lemon or 1 Tb. vinegar
Melt the butter in a saucepan, stir in the flour, and continue stirring until the two are well mixed. Add to this the thin
cream and stir until the mixture is thick and boils. Season with salt, pepper, and the juice of the lemon or the vinegar.

Sauce For Salmon And Other Fish

Sauce For Salmon And Other Fish


One cupful of milk heated to a boil and thickened with a tablespoonful of cornstarch previously wet up with cold
water, the liquor from the salmon, one great spoonful of butter, one raw egg beaten light, the juice of half a lemon,
mace and cayenne pepper to taste. Add the egg to thickened milk when you have stirred in the butter and liquor; take
from the fire, season and let it stand in hot water three minutes, covered. Lastly put in lemon juice and turn out
immediately. Pour it all over and around the salmon.

Sauce For Salmon Or Turbot

Sauce For Salmon Or Turbot


Boil your turbot or salmon, and set it to drain; take the gravy that drains from the salmon or turbot, an anchovy or
two, a little lemon-peel shred, a spoonful of catchup, and a little butter, thicken it with flour the thickness of cream,
put to it a little shred parsley and fennel; but do not put in your parsley and fennel till you be just going to send it up,
for it will take off the green. The gravy of all sorts of fish is a great addition to your sauce, if
the fish be sweet.

Sauce For Boiled Salmon Or Turbot

Sauce For Boiled Salmon Or Turbot


Take a little mild white gravy, two or three anchovies, a spoonful of oyster or cockle pickle, a little shred lemon-peel,
half a pound of butter, a little parsley and fennel shred small, and a little juice of lemon, but not too much, for fear it
should take off the sweetness.

Recipes For Fish Sauces

Recipes For Fish Sauces


Sauces are generally served with fish to improve their flavor and increase their nutritive value. Some kinds of fish
such as salmon, shad, butterfish, Spanish mackerel, etc., contain more than 6 percent of fat, but as many of the fish
that are used for food contain less than this, they are somewhat dry and are improved considerably by the addition of

a well-seasoned and highly flavored sauce. Among the recipes that follow will be found sauces suitable for any
method that may be used in the preparation of fish.

Salmone Alla Giardiniera (Italian)

Salmone Alla Giardiniera (Italian)


Ingredients: Salmon, forcemeat of fish, vegetables, butter,
Bechamel, and Espagnole sauce.
Prepare the fillets as above, and put on each a layer of
white forcemeat of fish. Cook a macedoine of vegetables
separately, and garnish each fillet with some of it, then cook them
in a covered stewpan Put a crouton of bread in an entree dish and
garnish it with cooked peas, mixed with Bechamel sauce,
stock, and butter. Around this place the fillets of fish, leaving
the centre with the peas uncovered. Pour some rich Espagnole sauce
round the fillets and serve.

Salmone Alla Perigo (Italian)

Salmone Alla Perigo (Italian)


Ingredients: Salmon, forcemeat of fish, truffles, butter, Madeira,
croutons of bread, crayfish tails, anchovy butter.
Cut a bit of salmon into well shaped fillets, and marinate them in
lemon juice and a bunch of herbs for two hours, wipe them, put a
layer of forcemeat of fish over each, and decorate them with slices
of truffle. When put them into a well-buttered saute-pan with half

a cup of stock and a glass of Madeira or Marsala, cover with
buttered paper, and put them into a moderate oven for twenty
minutes. Arrange the fillets in a circle on croutons of bread,
garnish the centre with crayfish tails and with truffles cut into
dice, a quarter of a pint of Velute sauce, and half a
teaspoonful of anchovy butter. Glaze the fillets and serve.

Salmon Steaks

Salmon Steaks


Split the salmon and take out the bone as nicely as possible, without mangling the flesh. Then cut it into fillets or
steaks about an inch thick. Dry them lightly in a cloth, and dredge them
with flour. Take care not to squeeze or press them. Have ready some clear bright coals, such as are fit for beef-steaks.
Let the gridiron be clean and bright, and rub the bars with chalk to
prevent the fish from sticking. Broil the slices thoroughly, turning them with steak tongs. Send them to table hot,
wrapped in the folds of a napkin that has been heated. Serve up with them anchovy, or prawn, or lobster sauce.

Salmon Baked In Slices

Salmon Baked In Slices


Take out the bone and cut the flesh into slices. Season them with cayenne and salt. Melt two ounces of butter that has
been rolled in flour, in a half pint of water, and mix with it two large glasses of port wine, two table-spoonfuls of
catchup, and two anchovies. This allowance is for a small quantity of salmon. For a large dish you must proportion
the ingredients accordingly. Let the anchovies remain in the liquid till they are dissolved. Then strain it and pour it
over the slices of salmon. Tie a sheet of buttered paper over the dish, and put it into the oven. You may bake trout or
carp in the same manner.

Salmon Patties -1

Salmon Patties -1


Cut cold, cooked salmon into dice. Heat about a pint of the dice in half a pint of cream. Season to taste with cayenne
pepper and salt. Fill the shells and serve. Cold, cooked fish of any kind may be made into patties in this way. Use
any fish sauce you choose, all are equally good.

Salmon And Caper Sauce

Salmon And Caper Sauce


Take two slices of salmon, one-quarter pound butter, one-half teaspoonful of chopped parsley, one shallot; salt and
pepper to taste. Lay the salmon in a baking dish, place pieces of butter over it, and add the other ingredients, rubbing
a little of the seasoning into the fish; place it in the oven and baste it frequently; when done, take it out and drain for a
minute or two; lay it in a dish, pour caper sauce over it and serve. Salmon dressed in this way, with tomato
sauce, is very delicious.

Salmon Croquettes -2

Salmon Croquettes -2


One can of salmon, minced very fine; two large Irish potatoes, boiled and mashed; half of a small onion, chopped
fine; two raw eggs; salt and black pepper; two tablespoonfuls of Worcestershire sauce. Rub these together until very
light. Make into balls, roll in cracker dust and fry in boiling lard.

Salmon Croquettes -1

Salmon Croquettes -1


One pound of cooked salmon (about one and a half pints when chopped), one cup of cream, two tablespoonfuls of
butter, one tablespoonful of flour, three eggs, one pint of crumbs, pepper and salt; chop the salmon fine, mix the flour
and butter together, let the cream come to
a boil, and stir in the flour and butter, salmon and seasoning; boil one minute; stir in one well-beaten egg, and remove
from the fire; when cold make into croquettes; dip in beaten egg, roll in crumbs and fry. Canned salmon can be used.

Salmon En Maigre

Salmon En Maigre


Cut some slices of fresh salmon the thickness of your thumb, put them in a stew-pan with a little onion, white pepper
and mace, and a bunch of sweet herbs, pour over it half a pint of white wine, half a jill of water, and four ounces of
butter (to a pound and half of salmon;) cover the stew-pot close, and stew it half an hour; then take out the salmon,
and place it on the dish; strain off the liquor, and have ready craw-fish, pick'd from the shell, or lobster cut in small
pieces; pound the shells of the craw-fish, or the seeds of the lobster, and give it a turn in the liquor; thicken it, and
serve it up hot with the craw-fish, or lobster, over the salmon.

Salmon Pickle

Salmon Pickle


Take two or three quarts of water, a jill of vinegar, a little Jamaica pepper and whole pepper, a large handful of salt,
boil them altogether, and when it is cold put in your salmon, so keep it for use.

Salmon Collar

Salmon Collar


Take the side of a middling salmon, and cut off the head, take out all the bones and the outside, season it with mace,
nutmeg, pepper and salt, roll it tight up in a cloth, boil it, and bind it up with pickle; it will take about an hour boiling;
when it is boiled bind it tight
again, when cold take it very carefully out of the cloth and bind it about with filleting; you must not take off the
filleting but as it is eaten.

Salmon Dressing

Salmon Dressing


Take a piece of fresh Salmon, and wash it clean in a little Vinegar and water, and let it lie a while in it, then put it
into a great Pipkin with a cover, and put to it some six spoonfuls of water and four of Vinegar, and as much of white-
wine, a good deal of Salt a handful of sweet herbs, a little white Sorrel, a few Cloves, a little stick of Cinamon, a little
Mace; put all these in a Pipkin close, and set it in a Kettle of seething water, and there let it stew three hours.

Salmon Salad -2

Salmon Salad -2


1 can salmon fish
1 cupful shredded cabbage or sliced celery
Drain the oil from the fish; remove the bone and bits of skin. Add the cabbage or celery, and Mayonnaise or Cream
Salad Dressing. Arrange on lettuce and garnish as desired. If Cream Dressing is used with salmon, the oil drained
from the salmon may be used for the fat of Cream Dressing. The salmon may be marinated before adding the other

ingredients. When this is done, the salad dressing may be omitted. Salmon contains so much fat that it is not well to
add more oil after marinating.

Salmon Salad -1

Salmon Salad -1


Persons who are fond of salmon will find salmon salad a very agreeable dish. In addition to affording a means of
varying the diet, this salad makes a comparatively cheap high-protein dish that is suitable for either supper or
2 c. salmon
1 c. diced celery
1/4 c. diced Spanish onion
3 or 4 sweet pickles, chopped fine
French dressing
Salad dressing
Look the salmon over carefully, removing any skin and bones. Break into medium-sized pieces and mix carefully
with the celery, onion, and chopped pickles. Marinate this with the French dressing, taking care not to break up the
salmon. Drain and serve with any desired salad dressing on salad plates garnished with lettuce.

Salmon Timbale or Loaf

Salmon Timbale or Loaf


1 can salmon
1 cupful soft bread crumbs
1 1/2 teaspoonfuls chopped parsley
1/2 teaspoonful salt
1 or 2 eggs
1 tablespoonful lemon juice
1/4 to 1/2 cupful milk
Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, adding enough milk to moisten. Pour into buttered timbale molds or into one
bowl. Place on a rack in a pan, surround with hot water, and cover. Bake in the oven or cook on top of the range until
the fish mixture is firm and is heated thoroughly. Turn out, and serve with White Sauce to which chopped parsley has
been added. Peas in White Sauce make a pleasing addition to Salmon Timbale. Tuna fish or other cooked fish may
be used instead of salmon.

Salmon Patties

Salmon Patties


Delicious patties can be made from salmon by combining it with bread crumbs and using a thick white sauce to hold
the ingredients together. These may be either sauted in shallow fat or fried in deep fat.
2 c. finely minced salmon
1 c. fresh bread crumbs
1 c. thick white sauce
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
Dry bread crumbs

With the salmon, mix the fresh bread crumbs and the white sauce. Season with salt and pepper. Shape into round
patties, roll in the dry bread crumbs, and fry in deep fat or saute in shallow fat. Serve hot with or without sauce.

Salmon Pudding

Salmon Pudding


Remove the bone, skin and oil from two pound cans of salmon. Boil together two cupfuls of white bread crumbs and
one cupful of milk. Take from the fire, and add one cupful of boiled rice, a teaspoonful of salt, a saltspoonful of
pepper, a teaspoonful of onion juice, and four eggs slightly beaten. Mix and work in the fish. Press the whole through
a colander, and pack it at once into a mold. Cover and steam three-quarters of an hour. Serve hot with cream sauce.
This will serve twelve persons.

Salmon Cutlets

Salmon Cutlets


Cut salmon into steaks or cutlets about an inch thick. Wipe them with a dry cloth, and season them with salt and
cayenne pepper. Have ready a pan of yolk of egg well beaten, and a large flat dish of grated bread crumbs. Put some
fresh lard or clarified beef dripping into a frying pan, and hold it over a clear fire till it boils. Dip your cutlets into the
beaten egg, and then into the bread crumbs. Fry them of a light brown. Serve them up hot, with the gravy in the
bottom of the dish.

Salmon Mold

Salmon Mold


A change from the usual way of serving salmon can be had by making a salmon mold. Besides being a delicious dish
and providing variety in the diet, salmon mold is very attractive.
2 c. salmon
2 Tb. vinegar
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1 Tb. gelatine
1-1/2 c. boiling water
Remove all skin and bones from the salmon when it is taken from the can, and mince it thoroughly with a fork. Add
the vinegar, salt, and pepper. Prepare the gelatine by dissolving it in the boiling water. Add the seasoned salmon to
the prepared gelatine. With cold water, wet a ring-shaped mold having an open space in the center. Pour the salmon-
and-gelatine mixture into this mold, and allow it to stand until it solidifies. Arrange a bed of lettuce leaves on a chop
plate, turn the mold out on this, and fill the center with dressing. Serve at once. Sufficient to Serve Six.

Smoked Salmon

Smoked Salmon


Cut the fish up the back; clean, and scale it, and take out the roe, but do not wash it. Take the bone neatly out. Rub it
well inside and out with a mixture of salt and fine Havanna sugar, in equal quantities, and a small portion of saltpetre.
Cover the fish with a board on which weights are placed to press it down, and let it lie thus for two days and two
nights. Drain it from the salt, wipe it dry, stretch it open, and fasten it so with pieces of stick. Then hang it up and
smoke it over a wood fire. It will be smoked sufficiently in five or six days. When you wish to eat it, cut off slices,
soak them awhile in lukewarm water, and broil them for breakfast.

Pickled Salmon 1

Pickled Salmon 1


Take a fine, cleaned, fresh salmon, and cut it into large pieces,
Boil in salted water as if for eating.
Drain the salmon into a bowl, wrap it in a dry cloth, and set it in a cold place for 24 hours, more or less.

2 quarts vinegar
1 ounce whole black pepper
1 nutmeg, grated
1 dozen blades of mace
1 tb. sweet oil

Make the pickle, which must be in proportion to the quantity of fish.
To one quart of the water in which the salmon was boiled, add the listed amount of vinegar, whole black pepper, nutmeg and blades of mace.
Boil all these together in a kettle closely covered to prevent the flavor from evaporating.

When the prepared vinegar is quite cold, pour it over the salmon, along with the sweet oil, which will keep the salmon fresh longer.

Cover closely, store in a dry, cool place, and it will be good for many months.

Dressing For Salmon Mold

Dressing For Salmon Mold


1 c. cream
2 Tb. vinegar
1/2 tsp. salt
2 Tb. sugar
1 c. finely chopped cucumber

Whip the cream until it is stiff, and add the vinegar, salt, and sugar.
Fold into this the finely chopped cucumber.

Serve with Salmon Mold.

Creamed Salmon with Rice

Creamed Salmon with Rice


A creamed protein dish is always more satisfactory if it is served on some other dishes particularly one high in carbs.
When this is done, a better balanced dish is the result.
Creamed salmon and rice make a very nutritious and appetizing combination.

1 c. salmon
1 c. medium white sauce
Steamed rice

Break the salmon into moderately small pieces and carefully fold these into the hot white sauce.
Serve this on a mound of hot steamed rice.

Whole Baked Salmon

Whole Baked Salmon


Start with a cleaned, small or moderate sized salmon.

Season it with salt, pepper, and powdered mace; rubbing the fish so that it gets seasoned on the inside as well.
Skewer it with the tail turned round and put to the mouth.
Lay the salmon on a stand or trivet in a deep dish or pan, and stick it over with bits of butter rolled in flour.
Put the fish into the oven, basting it occasionally, while baking, with its own drippings.

Garnish with horseradish and sprigs of curled parsley, laid alternately round the edges of the dish.

Serve with a small tureen of lobster sauce.

Baked Salmon Trout

Baked Salmon Trout


This deliciously flavored game-fish is baked precisely as shad or white fish, but should be accompanied with cream gravy to make it perfect.

It should be baked slowly, basting often with butter and water.
When done, have a saucepan ready with a cup of cream, diluted with a few spoonfuls of hot water, for fear it might clot in heating, in which have been stirred cautiously two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, a scant tablespoonful of flour, and a little chopped parsley.

Heat this in a vessel set within another of boiling water.
Add the gravy from the dripping-pan, and boil up once to thicken.
When the trout is laid on a suitable hot dish, pour this sauce around it.

Garnish with sprigs of parsley.

Broiled Salt Salmon

Broiled Salt Salmon


Soak salmon in tepid or cold water twenty-four hours, changing water several times, when needed.
If in a hurry, or desiring a saltier relish, it may suffice to soak the salmon for a short time, in warm water, parboiling slightly.
After a few hours, broil sharply.
Season to suit taste, covering with butter.

This recipe will answer for all kinds of salt fish.

Broiled Salmon

Broiled Salmon


Cut salmon into slices about one inch thick.
Season the slices with pepper and salt.
Butter a sheet of white paper, and lay each slice on a separate piece.
Envelope the salmon with the ends of the paper twisted.
Broil gently over a clear fire until cooked.

Serve with anchovy or caper sauce.
When higher seasoning is required, add a few
chopped herbs and a little spice.

Fresh Fried Salmon

Fresh Fried Salmon


Cut the salmon into slices three-quarters of an inch thick.
Dredge the slices with flour, or dip them in egg and crumbs.
Fry to a light brown color.
Season well with salt and pepper.

This recipe can be used for all fish cut into steaks.

Boiled Salt Salmon

Boiled Salt Salmon


Let salmon soak over night before boiling it slowly for two hours;
Eat it with drawn butter sauce.

To pickle salmon after it has been boiled;
Heat vinegar scalding hot, with whole peppers and cloves.
Cut the fish in small square pieces and put it in a jar.
Pour the vinegar mixture over.
Shad may be done in the same way.

Classes of Fish

According to the quantity of fat it contains, fish may be divided into two classes, Dry, or lean fish, and Oily fish.
Cod, haddock, smelt, flounder, perch, bass, brook trout, and pike are dry, or lean fish. Salmon, shad, mackerel,
herring, eel, halibut, lake trout, and white fish are oily fish. This latter group contains from 5 to 10 per cent of fat.
Fish may also be divided into two classes, according to the water in which they live, fish from the sea being termed
'salt-water fish', and those from rivers and lakes are 'fresh-water fish'.

Composition of Fish

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In general, the composition of fish is similar to that of meat, for both of them are high-protein foods. However, some
varieties of fish contain large quantities of fat and others contain very little of this substance, so the food value of the
different kinds varies greatly. As in the case of meat, fish is lacking in carbohydrate. Because of the close similarity
between these two foods, fish is a very desirable substitute for meat. In fish, as well as in shell fish, a very large
proportion of the food substances present is protein. This proportion varies with the quantity of water, bone, and
refuse that the particular food contains, and with the physical structure of the food. The percentage of fat in fish
varies from less than 1 per cent in some cases to a trifle more than 14 per cent in others.

Why Fish?

Fish provides another class of high-protein or tissue-building food. As this term is generally understood, it includes both vertebrate fish that is, fish having a backbone such as salmon, cod, shad etc. and many other invertebrate such as lobsters, crabs, shrimp, oysters and clams. In most Asian country, fish becomes the main source of protein.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

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Tuna and Green Onion
Salmon Steak
Tuna With Cheese